General Education Mathematics Requirements

Students will be placed into Mathematics courses based on the requirements of their majors and by their ACT or SAT scores, if those tests have been taken within two years of the semester entered. Students are strongly encouraged to take the Roosevelt University Assessment test to ensure proper placement into an appropriate-level Mathematics course. Students who do sufficiently well on this exam may have some of their prerequisite coursework waived. Students without an ACT or SAT score taken within the past two years are required to take the RUA. Students who believe that their RUA score or ACT or SAT score does not adequately reflect their placement should consult with their advisor.


Students may count no more than 12 credit hours in Mathematics courses at the 100 level toward graduation. 

  • MATH 010 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS and MATH 021 ALGEBRAIC FOUNDATIONSare developmental Mathematics courses designed to prepare students for college-level coursework. They do not count toward the 120 credit hours required for most undergraduate degrees, although they are considered 3-credit courses for purposes of billing and for determining student full-time/part-time status. Assessment scores determine if these courses are required. 
  • MATH 010 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS is the corequisite for MATH 105 FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC, and MATH 110 QUANTITATIVE LITERACY.  Students take MATH 010 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS and MATH 105 FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC,  MATH 110 QUANTITATIVE LITERACY, or MATH 116 FINITE MATHEMATICS in the same semester. Students may need to take MATH 010 prior to taking MATH 021 depending on their placement. Students may test out of MATH 010 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS.
  • MATH 021 ALGEBRAIC FOUNDATIONS is the corequisite for MATH 121 COLLEGE ALGEBRA. Students take MATH 021 ALGEBRAIC FOUNDATIONS and MATH 121 COLLEGE ALGEBRA in the same semester. Students may test out of MATH 021 ALGEBRAIC FOUNDATIONS
  • Undecided students who are placed into developmental Mathematics should consult with their academic advisor to determine which developmental Mathematics course they need to complete. 
  • MATH 105 FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC is the prerequisite for MATH 115 QUANTITATIVE & SPATIAL REASONING. These courses are specifically designed for Elementary Education and Early Childhood majors.
  • MATH 110 QUANTITATIVE LITERACY is designed to give students an understanding of some of the applications of mathematics in disciplines that do not require specific math courses (majors in the sciences and in education typically require specific math courses). It is recommended for all students in majors that do not have a specific math requirement. Students should consult the requirements page for their specific major(s), as well as their academic advisor, to ensure they are enrolling in the correct math course for their program of study.
  • MATH 121 COLLEGE ALGEBRA is for most majors for students in College of Health, Science and Pharmacy and students going on to MATH 122 TRIGONOMETRY AND PRECALCULUS and MATH 231 CALCULUS I
  • MATH 170 MATH NURSING is for Nursing majors. 
  • Students should consult the requirements page for their specific major(s), as well as their academic advisor, to ensure they are enrolling in the correct math courses for their program of study.