Academic Standing Policy

Academic Standing Policy

Each Roosevelt University undergraduate student has an academic standing determined by their cumulative Roosevelt grade point average and, in some cases, the semester grade point average.

Calculation of Academic Standing

Academic standing is an end-of-term status, which means a student must complete at least one term of coursework before having a calculated academic standing. Academic standing is updated after final grades have been posted for the fall and spring semesters and after the last summer session. Academic standing for completed terms is not recalculated after the submission of grade changes; academic standing is based on the student's performance at the grade submission deadline.  Academic standing is identified on a student’s transcript and visible in RU Access. Students are expected to understand both their program and university academic standing requirements and review their academic performance with their advisors after every enrolled semester.

Courses that do not Count towards RU GPA

Transfer coursework is not included in the cumulative Roosevelt GPA. Transfer coursework taken elsewhere for a higher grade cannot be used to improve academic standing.

In addition, courses below 100 level, such as those in the English Language Program and Math, do not count toward the student’s degree. Such courses are not considered college-level work.

Admitted on Probation

Students admitted on probation by the Office of Admission are required to earn a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 in their first term of enrollment at Roosevelt. Registration for students admitted on probation is limited to 12 credit hours or fewer. Students who do not earn the minimum 2.0 GPA at the end of their first term will be academically suspended.

Notification of Academic Standing

After the end of a term, students who are not in good standing will be notified by university email within about three weeks of the date that grades for the term are visible in RU Access.

Good Standing

An undergraduate student who has completed at least one course that counts toward the Roosevelt cumulative grade point average has a GPA of 2.0 or higher, is considered to be in good academic standing.

No Standing Calculated

Students who did not complete any coursework that counts toward a GPA fall into this category. For example, a student taking only coursework listed below 100 level or a student who withdrew from all courses would have no standing calculated. This academic standing is not punitive; students with no standing calculated are not restricted from registering for courses or continuing at the university. 

Placed on Probation

Students in good standing are placed on probation if their cumulative Roosevelt GPA falls below a 2.0. Students on probation have one term to either bring their cumulative Roosevelt GPA back up to a 2.0 or higher or to achieve a semester GPA of 2.2 or higher. Failure to do so will result in academic suspension.

Registration for students on academic probation is limited to 12 credit hours per term, or fewer if recommended by an advisor. Students on academic probation must be advised in the Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising.

Continued on Probation

Students placed on probation who fail to raise their cumulative Roosevelt GPA to 2.0 or higher but earn a semester grade point average of 2.2 or higher in the term after being placed on probation will be continued on probation. Students on academic probation may register for only 12 credit hours, or fewer if recommended by an advisor.

Academic Suspension

Students are placed on academic suspension for the following reasons:

  • They were admitted on probation and have a cumulative Roosevelt GPA lower than 2.0 after completing their first semester.
  • They were placed or continued on probation and earned a cumulative Roosevelt GPA lower than 2.0 and a semester Roosevelt GPA below 2.2.

Students academically suspended are not allowed to register for or audit classes, negotiate with professors for grades other than those already posted, or make further arrangements to remove incomplete grades unless they are reinstated. In order to return to Roosevelt University, students must apply for academic reinstatement. A suspended student is not eligible for academic reinstatement the semester immediately following their academic suspension.


Students on academic suspension are eligible to appeal their suspension and petition the university's Academic Status and Progress Committee for reinstatement to the university. To do so, students must complete and return a Petition for Academic Reinstatement to the Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising by the deadlines noted below. Students can obtain a Petition for Academic Reinstatement by contacting the Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising, directly. 

The Academic Status and Progress Committee evaluates each application and determines appropriate action for each case. The committee may decide, for example, that a student has potential but should not return to Roosevelt for the term for which the petition was received. The student could be encouraged to petition for a future term after conditions set by the committee are fulfilled.

The deadlines for petitions for reinstatement are:

  • To return for the summer semester, a completed reinstatement petition must be received by Feb. 15.
  • To return for the fall semester, a completed reinstatement petition must be received by July 15.
  • To return for the spring semester, a completed reinstatement petition must be received by Oct. 15.

An application for academic reinstatement does not automatically grant the right to return to Roosevelt. Applications are evaluated and decided upon by the committee. The student will be notified of the committee’s decision in writing via the contact information provided by the student.

Dean’s List

Any undergraduate student is eligible for the Dean's List. Eligibility for the Dean's List will be determined by a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher based on a minimum of 12 graded hours not including the grades of I, P, or W.

Dean’s List designation is reflected on the student’s academic transcript.

Academic Dismissal

If the Academic Status and Progress Committee decides that a student should not be reinstated for any future term, the student's status is changed from academic suspension to academic dismissal.

In such cases, students will be notified in writing by the committee chair of their permanent academic dismissal. Students who are academically dismissed can have the committee's decision reviewed by notifying the committee chair, who will forward the appeal to the university provost or the provost's designee, whose decision is final.

Grade Point Average

A student in good standing becomes a candidate for the degree upon completion of a minimum of 120 credit hours of work with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher at Roosevelt University. Students are also responsible for checking the grade point average requirements of their majors.

To compute grade point averages, Roosevelt University uses a four-point system: 

Symbol Grade Point per Credit
A 4.0
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00

1. Compute quality points by multiplying the point value assigned to the grade by the number of semester hours for that course. For example, an A in a three-credit hour course equals 12 quality points, a B in the same course, nine quality points, etc. In the case of repeated courses, only the higher grade is counted.

2. Compute quality hours by adding the total number of credit hours attempted for A-F grading, including failed courses (even those designated “pass/fail”). No points are assigned to an F, but the credit hours of a failed course are counted in computing the grade point average. Grades of W, P, S, I and IP do not affect the GPA, nor does the designation “CR” for transfer credits on a credit evaluation.

3. Grades preceded by an asterisk (*A, *B, etc.) are used for developmental courses and do not count in earned hours or the GPA.

4. To obtain the GPA, divide a total number of quality points by the total number of quality hours. For example, the GPA for a student with 61 credit hours including 16 credits A, 9 credits A-, 6 credits B+, 27 credits C, and 3 credits D-, is computed as follows: 

Grade Quality Hours Quality Points
A 16 X 4 64
A- 9 X 3.67 33.03
B+ 6 X 3.333 19.99
C 27 X 2 54
D- 3 X 0.67 2.01

Divide total quality points by quality hours to get the GPA. In this example, the GPA would be 2.83.


All determinations of academic status and standing, degree requirements and honors are based only on the Roosevelt University GPA.