This course provides a basic overview of law, social media in the law, and an introduction to the legal profession. Lectures, class discussions, and in-class interactive activities will focus on the methods in which laws are created, the evolution of law in American society, the political and social origins and forces which create these changes in the legal system, and how the law affects our daily lives and our communities.

Credits: 3

Attributes: Legal Studies

Course Notes: Formerly offered as "Introduction to Law" and can not be repeated for credit.


This course covers legal ethics with an emphasis on how the rules affect paralegals. Students learn about the regulation of the legal profession including the rules of conduct that govern both attorneys and paralegals. Topics include the meaning and importance of the unauthorized practice of law, the attorney-client privilege and its related work product doctrine, confidentiality, the rules governing conflicts of interest and other topics ethical in nature. Law office management is also addressed.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: ENG 102

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L01.


The basics of legal research. Students will learn how to use the many research tools of the law library and how to research online using both computerized legal databases as well as legal research on the Internet. Proper citation to the various legal authorities will be covered. Working in the area of tort litigation, students learn how to read, analyze and apply the law. An emphasis will be on legal reasoning as students learn how to develop logical and practical legal arguments.

Credits: 3

Attributes: Legal Studies

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L02. Junior Standing Required


In this survey course, students learn the fundamentals of several areas of the law relating to civil practice including torts, property, wills & estates, domestic relations, and intellectual property. Instructors emphasize current legal events. Written assignments include case briefs and other written exercises designed to increase students' understanding of the subject matters.

Credits: 3

Attributes: Legal Studies

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L03. Junior Standing Required


The pre-trial litigation process in civil matters. Jurisdiction and Venue; What and Where to File; Overview of state and Federal court systems; Client and witness interviews; factual investigations; pre-trial motions; Illinois Supreme Court Rules of Discovery including depositions, interrogatories; answers and pre-trial motions; Introduction to the concept of E-Discovery; litigation strategy; administrative remedies and procedures; brief overview of evidence; Federal and Illinois Rules of Civil Procedure and local court rules.

Credits: 3

Attributes: Legal Studies

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L04. Junior Standing Required.


In this survey course, students learn the fundamentals of laws relating to business. The course places an emphasis on the law of contracts and on the law of business organizations, but also covers bankruptcy law, environmental law,investor protection and corporate governance. Written assignments include case briefs and other written exercises/analyses designed to increase the students' understanding of the subject matters.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PARA 302

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L05. Junior Standing Required


This course covers the use of E-Discovery in the preparation of a case for trial, on-going discovery, the trial process, and the post-trial process including hands-on exercises using E-Discovery software and case management software. Review and understanding of the EDRM (E-Discovery Reference Model) and the Federal and State Rules of Civil Procedure defining the various aspects of E-Discovery and Electronically Stored Information (ESI).

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PARA 304

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L06. Junior Standing Required


This course of study is an overview study of real estate and prepares students for real estate practice. The course covers both residential and commercial real estate transactions and issues. Students begin the course of study by reviewing the various estates in real property including freehold estates, easements and licenses. The course covers the various methods of holding title to property and explores the different types of transfer deeds (warranty, quit claim and judicial). In addition, students learn how to read surveys, plats and subdivision maps. Students draft legal descriptions of property, prepare closing documentation and learn how perform a title search. The course stresses the practical study of real estate law and transactions.

Credits: 3

Course Notes: Junior Standing Required


This course provides an overview of the substantive federal law regulating copyrights, trademarks and patents and state law regulating trade secrets. The course features practical skill assignments, including the registration of a copyright, preparation of agreements used to protect trade secrets and the selection, evaluation and registration of a trademark. Students begin the course by studying the history of intellectual property, its Constitutional basis in the United States and the common law. Students will develop an in-depth understanding of the current laws of intellectual property as they learn the practical processes of protecting intellectual property rights. Intellectual property law is an expanding field of the law for paralegals and an interesting area to practice in.

Credits: 3

Course Notes: Junior Standing Required


This course covers the practical aspects of estate planning and estate administration. Students will obtain a basic understanding of the legal principles involved in estate work. After reviewing theory and the laws of the State of Illinois and the Federal tax laws, students focus on the preparation of documents incident to an estate practice. Students will gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of estate forms and learn what forms are best for the particular situation at hand.

Credits: 3

Course Notes: Junior Standing Required


The course includes a review of grammar basics, the Uniform System of Citation, and a series of written assignments ranging from simple case briefs and business letters to a complex research memorandum that integrates research, analysis and writing skills. Students will be drafting legal documents during class and as outside homework assignments, allowing for significant personal feedback on their writing from the instructor.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PARA 302

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L25. Junior Standing Required


This course provides students with the basics of corporate practice and looks at the various aspects of corporate and securities law with a focus on the practical side of the law. Students will learn how to prepare appropriate forms relating to, and develop an understanding of the different types of business entities, sole proprietorships, limited and general partnerships, subchapter S corporations, limited liability corporations and public and privately held corporations. Students draft partnership agreements, articles of incorporation, stock certificates, meeting notices and resolutions, annual reports and learn to maintain corporate minute books.

Credits: 3

Course Notes: Same as LAWA L27. LAP Dept. consent


The basics of software applications being utilized in the law firm environment. Students will learn how to use Microsoft applications and specific computer skills often required from paralegals. Students will also learn legal-specific software applications being utilized internationally. An emphasis will be placed on how the various software applications help paralegals organize a case from the beginning through trial.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PARA 304

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L29. Junior Standing Required


Students must apply for and be selected by an intern sponsor that the program has made arrangements with in order to enroll in this course. It may also be possible for a student to secure an internship on their own; however this must be approved by the program in advance of the internship start date. This course provides the student intern with an opportunity to gain practical work experience under the supervision of an attorney in day-to-day, on-site paralegal work. In addition to on-site work, students must complete various assignments and regularly report to the Internship Coordinator.

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: PARA 301 (may be taken concurrently) and (PARA 302 (may be taken concurrently) or PARA 304 (may be taken concurrently))

Course Notes: Junior Standing Required


Basics of bankruptcy law and practice including in-depth examination of the differences among Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. Focus will be on the daily duties and responsibilities of both the paralegal and the supervising attorney and students will work with the most recent bankruptcy filing software and the most updated bankruptcy forms and pleadings. The course will also present an overview of foreclosures and alternatives to bankruptcy.

Credits: 3

Course Notes: Dept. consent required.


This course provides an overview of labor and employment law: labor-management relations (which include collective bargaining, labor contracts, unfair labor practices and the rights of management and bargained-for employees) and employee-employer relations (which include at-will employment, contracts, employment discrimination laws, privacy rights and benefits). Students will develop an in-depth understanding of relevant laws as they work on hypothetical cases involving a grievance and discrimination charge, as well as other projects.

Credits: 3

Course Notes: Junior Standing Required


This course provides the student intern with an opportunity to gain practical work experience under the supervision of an attorney in day-to-day, on-site paralegal work. Students must apply for and be selected by an intern sponsor that the Paralegal Studies Program has made arrangements with in order to enroll in this course. Students must have completed PARA 330 Paralegal Internship to be eligible for PARA 333 Paralegal Internship II.

Credits: 1,3

Prerequisites: PARA 330


This course covers United States immigration laws and regulations. Students will learn the basic features of the federal court systems involving immigration issues and will become familiar with basic areas of immigration law including asylum, amnesty, refugee, family sponsored, and employment-based issues. Students will gain an understanding of the terminology often used in immigration cases, and will learn how to prepare various types of immigration forms.

Credits: 3

Course Notes: Same course as LAWA L35. Junior Standing Required