Classical Performance - Piano, MM

Course Requirements

PIA 411PIANO (MAJOR) (four semesters; 3 credits per semester)12
PERF 451MASTER OF MUSIC JURY (three semesters; 1 credit per semester. Taken concurrently with PIA 411)3
PERF 428GRADUATE RECITAL (Taken concurrently with PIA 411)1
PIA 400PIANO PERFORMANCE CLASS (four semesters; 1 credit per semester)4
Ensembles (ENS 405, ENS 406, ENS 407, ENS 411, or other; placement by program director. Two semesters minimum; 1 credit per semester.) 12
Select one of the following sequences:3
Music Academic Electives (Two 3-credit courses)6
One 400-level MAS course
One 400-level course in MAS, MCMP, MTA, or MUHL
Total Credit Hours40

Enrollment in ensembles is contingent upon placement and assignment. All students in the Music Conservatory are required to participate in all ensembles to which they are assigned by the Program Director of Ensembles and Ensemble Coordinators, and in consultation with the Academic Advisors. Students who are assigned or receive permission to enroll as zero-credit participants in any ensemble will receive a grade; they must complete the same requirements as students enrolled for credit. Assignments are made at the beginning of each semester following placement and seating auditions.


Pianists who have completed PERF 461 SEMINAR IN VOCAL COLLABORATION FOR PIANISTS apply the skills learned in service of the CCPA OperaFest during the following Fall semester.


Pianists who have completed PERF 463 SEMINAR: INSTRUMENTAL COLLABORATION FOR PIANISTS apply the skills learned toward accompanying for instrumental studios and performance classes during the semester following PERF 463.

Residency Requirement

A student must earn at least 21 credit hours at Roosevelt University.

Minimum Grade Requirements

Applied Lessons
B- is the minimum passing grade for PIA 411 PIANO (MAJOR).

B- is the minimum passing grade for PERF 428 GRADUATE RECITAL.

B- is the minimum passing grade for PERF 451 MASTER OF MUSIC JURY.

A student must earn at a GPA of at least 3.0 in all major area coursework.

Recital Repertoire

60 minutes of music is required, spanning works from at least four stylistic periods, including Contemporary, and must include three pieces that are considered major works in the pianist’s repertory (at the discretion of the Director of Piano and the applied instructor). The student may petition to include only three stylistic periods if, in the aggregate, the time requirement is met. Both the Director of Piano and the applied instructor must approve the program. The recital will be graded by the applied instructor.

Jury Repertoire

All works programmed on the M.M. recital must have been performed in juries during the prior semesters. Repertoire must span at least one work from each of the six stylistic categories listed above, with specific works assigned at the discretion of the teacher.
Jury I (see below) will serve as proof of the student’s ability to succeed in graduate studies at the CCPA. On the basis of the Jury I, the student shall be granted permission to continue in the program. If the student’s progress is deemed insufficient for continuation by the faculty, the course must be repeated on a probationary basis, not to exceed one semester. If the student does not attain the minimum jury grade after this probationary period, the student will be expelled from the program.

Jury III (see below) will serve as the recital-permission jury, for which the student will prepare at least half (30 minutes) of the intended degree recital program. On the basis of this jury, permission to present the recital in the following semester will be granted. If the jury is deemed insufficient for approval by the faculty, the course must be repeated on a probationary basis, not to exceed one semester. If the student does not attain the minimum jury grade after this probationary period, the student will be denied permission to give the required degree recital and will be expelled from the program.

Jury I – 20 minutes
Repertoire will span three stylistic periods. Please see special note above.

Jury II – 20 minutes
Repertoire will span three stylistic periods.

Jury III – 20 minutes
Repertoire will span any works intended for inclusion on the degree recital program and/or those of stylistic categories not yet performed during Juries I-II. Please see special note above.

Technique Jury Requirements

for M.M. Composition Majors taking Non-Curricular Piano Lessons only
PIA 401 PIANO (MINOR): Technical routines to be planned by the teacher and student.

This degree map charts a suggested pathway through all of your required courses. It is incumbent upon all students to fully comprehend curricular requirements and course schedules, and while it is feasible to chart an alternate pathway, it is highly recommended that you do so in close consultation with your academic advisor so as to determine a degree path appropriately tailored to your needs.

A full-time graduate course load comprises 9-13 credits per semester.

Year 1
FallCredit HoursSpringCredit Hours
PIA 4113PIA 4113
PERF 4511PERF 4511
PIA 4001PIA 4001
PERF 461 or 46312PERF 464 (only for pianists who have taken PERF 463. Pianists who took PERF 461 take PERF 462 in Year 2 Fall)31
MAS 4013MPE 4303
 MUHL 4213
 10 12
Year 2
FallCredit HoursSpringCredit Hours
PIA 4113PIA 4113
PERF 4511PERF 4281
PIA 4001PIA 4001
ENS 405, 406, 407, or 411 (chamber music placement by program director)1ENS 405, 406, 407, or 411 (chamber music placement by program director)1
PERF 462 (only for pianists who have taken PERF 461. Pianists who took PERF 463 take PERF 464 in Year 1 Spring)21Music Academic Elective3
Music Academic Elective3 
 10 9
Total Credit Hours 41

Pianists must select either a vocal or instrumental collaborative sequence.

N.B. The degree correctly totals 40 credit hours - pianists who select a vocal sequence fulfill their practicum in the Fall semester of their second year, while pianists who select an instrumental sequence fulfill their practicum in the Spring semester of their first year.


Those who select PERF 461 SEMINAR IN VOCAL COLLABORATION FOR PIANISTS fulfill the practicum component of the sequence PERF 462 PRACTICUM IN VOCAL COLLABORATION during the following Fall semester by playing for the CCPA OperaFest.


Those who select PERF 463 SEMINAR: INSTRUMENTAL COLLABORATION FOR PIANISTS  fulfill the PERF 464 PRACTICUM IN INSTRUMENTAL COLLABORATION instrumental studios and performance classes during the semester following, as assigned by the Director of Piano.