Pharmacy, PharmD


The pharmacy curriculum is divided into program blocks. Students matriculate into a cohort and take these blocks of courses together. The courses in each block are designed to offer a comprehensive pharmacy education that prepares the student for the subsequent block of courses. The only courses that students will not take as a group are the electives.  During their final three academic terms, PharmD candidates complete six Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs), for a total of 33 credit hours. Course registration and course withdrawal policies can be found in  the  Student Handbook. Click here to view the entire PharmD Curriculum.

Elective Courses

All students are required to complete 6 credit hours of electives. There are two types of electives offered in the PharmD Program:

  1. Didactic – an elective on a clinical or non-clinical topic taught by pharmacy faculty or adjunct faculty member. This can also include an Out of College elective -such as a course taken in the Heller College of Business for dual credit as part of the PharmD/MBA program.
  2. Research Independent Study/Research –students work with a faculty mentor on a research or independent study topic, subject to approval by faculty.

The Curriculum is divided into three academic blocks. For Class of 2027 the blocks are define as follows:

  • Academic Block 1 is defined as Terms 1-3 and includes didactic coursework, IPE and IPPE I
  • Academic Block 2 is defined as Terms 5-7 and includes didactic coursework and IPPE II-III
  • APPE Block is defined as Terms 8-9 and consists of APPE A - F.

Promotion is defined as progression from one Academic Block to the next Academic or APPE Block. In general, to be promoted, students must have all of the following:

  1. No outstanding grades of Withdraw or Incomplete; and
  2. No more than one grade below C- and no outstanding (un-remediated) grades of F
  3. No grade below C- in any select didactic courses (see Student Handbook.)
  4. Cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
  5. Students will not be permitted to enroll in the advanced pharmacy practice experience courses (APPE) until they pass all didactic coursework, introductory pharmacy practice experience courses (IPPE) and inter-professional experience courses (IPE) requirements of the Doctor of Pharmacy program.

To be in “good academic standing” in the Pharmacy Program, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Maintain a cumulative Pharmacy Doctoral GPA of >2.5 and earn a grade of C- or above in every course;
  2. Satisfactorily fulfill all Didactic course completion requirements; and
  3. Satisfactorily fulfill all Professional Practice Experience course completion requirements.


Approximately one-third of the PharmD curriculum is experiential education, which provides practical experience in a variety of off-site, pharmacy settings. Experiential education, often referred to as “rotations,” helps students apply knowledge gained in the classroom to a real-life pharmacy practice setting.  During these off-site experiences, students work with practicing pharmacists and faculty members, known as “preceptors”, who facilitate the students’ learning.

Roosevelt University Pharmacy program has two levels of experiential education incorporated over the course of the program: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs). The IPPE and APPE rotations, provide excellent opportunities for students to develop an array of skills, including professionalism, effective communication,  working on an interprofessional team, problem-solving, critical thinking and professional competence.

Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE): The Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs) occur during the first two didactic years.  These experiences occur during Semesters 2, 5 and 6 of the pharmacy curriculum. The IPPE rotations occur in both community and institutional settings.  A total of over 300 hours is completed.  IPPE rotations are scheduled for eight hours, on Fridays. The Office of Experiential Education places students at various sites, based on site and preceptor availability. 

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE): The entire third year of the pharmacy curriculum is comprised of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs). Students complete six rotations, each lasting six weeks (240 hours), for a minimum of 1440 APPE hours. There are four required experiences: Community Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Ambulatory Care and Acute Care Medicine along with two elective rotations, that take place in a wide variety of pharmacy sites. These sites can be local, regional or national. A computerized matching process is used to place students with preceptors and in practice sites, based on student preference rankings and site and preceptor availability. Prior to the matching process, students also have the opportunity to apply and/or interview for Longitudinal APPE programs, with some of our larger Institutional partners. This allows the student to do three or more APPE rotations at one site.

Your degree map is a general guide of courses to complete each term on the academic pathway to your degree. It is based on the most current scheduling information from your academic program. Your program’s degree map is reviewed annually and updated as schedules change.   

Professional Year 1 Courses
SummerCredit HoursFallCredit HoursSpringCredit Hours
PHAR 5034.0PHAR 5071PHAR 5232.5
PHAR 5512PHAR 5093.5PHAR 5252.5
PHAR 5912PHAR 5303PHAR 5262.5
PHAR 5143PHAR 5703PHAR 5802
 PHAR 5823PHAR 5933.5
 PHAR 5924.5PHAR 5080.5
  PHAR 5184.5
 11 18 18
Professional Year 2 Courses
SummerCredit HoursFallCredit HoursSpringCredit Hours
PHAR/MBA (Electives)4PHAR 6032.5PHAR 6280.5
 PHAR 6082.5PHAR 6333.5
 PHAR 6183PHAR 6343
 PHAR 6193PHAR 6353
 PHAR 6270.5PHAR 6443
 PHAR 6433PHAR 6452
 PHAR 6572PHAR 6522
 0 19.5 20
Professional Year 3 Courses
SummerCredit HoursFallCredit HoursSpringCredit Hours
PHAR 7003PHAR 7705.5PHAR 7735.5
PHAR 7013PHAR 7715.5PHAR 7745.5
PHAR 7023PHAR 7725.5PHAR 7755.5
PHAR 7032.5PHAR 7770.5PHAR 7770.5
 13.5 17 17
Total Credit Hours 134

Total Hours toward Degree:  Core Courses Semester Hours 128 + Professional Electives Semester Hours 6 = 134 Semester Hours


 Pharmacy program Curriculum is subject to change